We have decided that I definitely am not, which is a good thing. Lindsay, however, very well may be and probably is. Details to follow.
If you're married or potentially married, you should jump at the chance to team-read a book. That's "team" as in doubles, not baseball or basketball--although good books have been known to cause games of one-on-one.
Captivating wouldn't be a bad book to team read--although the Lord of the Rings Trilogy would be going one better. (I'm serious.)
But about team-reading: the potential for discussions, interesting disagreement, and scuffles over the book is really great. We'll let you know where we land on Captivating. And if anyone else has read this one or is reading it, jump in.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Are You Captivating? Our Team Tackles the Question
Posted by
2:30 PM
Hi there
Nice blog...
I would like to ask you some questions about Christianity if you like...
please do tell me
back soon God willing
Hi Amjad, absolutely, shoot your questions at me. You can send an email or just post them in the comments, either is fine. Talk to you later.
please,do not be offended if my questions seem to be offensive...i respect your belief and i do respect your Holy Bible too.
Would you like to post a seperated threat "name it as u like",so u make it easier for me and others to write the questions and see the answers in an better clear way?
That's a good idea. Here's an Open Question Thread.
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