If I Am Cool, Why Has No One Heard of Me? ~ BitterSweetLife

Thursday, July 26, 2007

If I Am Cool, Why Has No One Heard of Me?

Caution: "Indie Blog" Label May Cause Existential Crises

Check out the
metaphysical uncertainty on display as John B. of Blog Meridian contemplates his "indie blog" status and hands out a few more trophies. The thread continues in the comments. This is vintage Meridian and, can I say it?...vintage indie. Hilarious. Getting slapped with the "cool unknown" label can open you up to all kinds of soul-searching.

**Update: Now Ched of Says Simpleton is under the impression that the indie label is a backhanded compliment! He doesn't realize that his blog is "small and poverty-stricken" only in comparison to, say, Hot Abercrombie Chick. It's a relative scale, you know. Oh well.

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John B. said...

Here I am, consorting with the Man. But, you said some nice things about my blog and all, so I guess I have to thank you.

Ched said...

I feel as though I've transgressed the unwritten "indie" code that rules the blogosphere. I've created a rift and casted pearls to swines...

hangs head in shame

AJ said...

Here I am, consorting with the Man.

Now there's a gut check! Actually, I'm "The Man," not "the Man." Your syntax is slightly off.

I feel as though I've transgressed the unwritten "indie" code...

Well, I won't be the one to say your guilt is unfounded. "Where there's smoke there's fire," and all that. Let your conscience be your guide, man. Maybe you need to tag some people and restore equilibrium to the internet.


Culture. Photos. Life's nagging questions. - BitterSweetLife