At last, the moment you've all been waiting for has arrived. Those of you who audaciously threw your names in the ring over the weekend have been nervously wringing your hands, wondering, "Will he choose me?" (By the way, this is diametrically unlike God, who is sovereign and knows in advance what every man and woman will eat for breakfast tomorrow, what they will wear, and who they will cuss out on the freeway next month, let alone whether they will "choose Him." But I was saying...)
At the same time, those of you who didn't throw your names in the ring have been plagued by private doubts, wondering, "What if? Why didn't I? Shouldn't I have? Could I really have won?" The answer, of course, is Now you'll never know, I have no clue, Yes, Yes. But it's too late to consider what might have been now. Onward to the victors.
At heart, I am a compassionate person. (That's right, go ahead and say it. I'm a good actor!) So this process was not an easy one for me. As the computer did its thing, crunching the numbers, I waited with a feeling of foreboding, knowing that not everyone would win... Nevertheless, it gives me great pleasure to present to you:
BitterSweetLife's First Book Deal Winners
Check 'em.
R. Sherman
Brad Briscoe
Brad Andrews
Here's the deal. To receive your Book Deal, you need to email me your mailing address by midnight on Thursday, July 19. That's a little over 48 hours from now. If you fail to complete this one final step, your Book Deal will be reallocated. Scary, eh.
Also, remember the conditions: "I hereby vow that upon receiving said book I will choose a sentence or theme (not from the preface!) and post my thoughts/reactions in at least 100 words. Upon doing this, I'll link back to this post/notify AJ via email."
And no worries about going over 100 words! In fact, I encourage it. Just get me your addresses ASAP. I plan to mail the books out together so you'll be able to receive them and post about them roughly at the same time. Best case scenario: a series of interlinked, interrelated posts and conversation cropping up at the same time.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Book Winners Announced!
Posted by
5:35 PM
Read more:
Did I win the copy of Harry Potter? ;)
Quick point of order on the rules: Do we link to this post or the earlier one?
(Ooooh, I hate this legalism disguised as spirituality.)
Sorry, Will, I didn't receive any free copies of Harry Potter. If you would like to send me the first book, I would be willing to read it, though...
Quick point of order on the rules: Do we link to this post or the earlier one?
Ah, I should have made that clearer...let's say THIS POST. But if anyone fails to read this and links to the older post, I won't pursue litigation.
I read my book and posted my 100+ words. Gotta tell ya, though, the one thought that kept running through my head while I was reading was, "Self-help is totally an Arminian genre. What in the world does a Calvinist do with 3 Seconds?" ;-)
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