OK, here's how this will work.
I have a number of copies of two new Zondervan titles, 3 Seconds and Holy Discontent. Take a look at the blurbs and see if either of 'em grab you. I haven't yet read either of them myself, so I can't vouch for their content, but Zondervan doesn't typically publish fluff. Interested? If so, here's what to do.
1. Make sure you can live with The Conditions: "I hereby vow that upon receiving said book I will choose a sentence or theme (not from the preface!) and post my thoughts/reactions in at least 100 words. Upon doing this, I'll link back to this post/notify AJ via email." Note that to participate, you'll need a blog. If you really, really want to play, but don't have a blog, shoot me an email.
2. Add a comment to this post stating which book you're hankering for. Do it soon. I'll be generous and make Sunday the 15th the cut off date.
3. Anxiously await the outcome, which I'll post early next week.
Once I see who's interested, I'll use a complicated algorithm to select the lucky people who will receive the Book Deal. Of course, if only a few people see this post, it's possible that you'll automatically be a winner--just by posting a comment here! So go for it. You can even send your friends over if you feel like sharing.
Now for the proverbial small print. I was hoping to open this up to everyone everywhere, but my research has revealed that S&H plus tax issues force me to limit participation to North America. I'm sorry, especially since I know that some of you live overseas... :(
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Book Giveaway Details
Posted by
7:05 PM
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Dude, I'm a lawyer. I can't order lunch in less than a 100 words. But I'm in for 3 Seconds if you'll have me.
I should note, the "thinking on feet trial attorney" part of me, finds the premise interesting. Query, whether testing one's first impulses is always the better course of action. Of course, now I've demonstrated a bias and therefore, probably shouldn't review the book.
Darn it.
Hey Ariel,
I'd also be interested in 3 seconds...cool offer, thanks.
Sherman may be a lawyer, but I'm a pastor - 100 words or less is like a death sentence! :-)
Seriously, if you choose me I'd love to have a shot at "Holy Discontent."
I'm in on Holy Discontent. Considering some of the pet peeves I have, perhaps I can turn those around...
Hey if you need it...i can help with the shipping and handling. After all I do get a pretty mean Fedex discount. Not sure if it would be significant enough to open it up to those who want it overseas, but if nothing else it's a discount.
I'm very interested in 3 Seconds. And the idea of writing over 100 words is not what worries me--what would have been much harder is if you'd said we had to fit our comments in UNDER 100 words!
Hey sign me up for 3 Seconds, sounds interesting.
the malaysian speaks: oh, bummer.. haha..
Ariel! I come over here to syndicate your blog (given my APPALLING bittersweet readership of late...) and it seems the world has gone mad!
Not only are you giving away books but I'm completely exempt from this offer! Madness, I tell you. It's bad enough that I live in the 3rd world Ariel, now you just go and disadvantage me further :)
Joke- this looks really great. It's a good thing I don't qualify anyway, I'm still trying to get through Dostoevsky... and besides there's that riveting Harry Potter book launch I've been invited to cover, where I get a complimentary copy of the book that has half the English-speaking world foaming at the mouth. Except I'd much rather be reading Hybels, as opposed to Wicca Children spirituality with edges ;)
Ok that's the end of my ENORMOUSLY long post! Just making up for lost time :)
Hey...I ran across your blog just yesterday when I Google searched for "Donald Miller Quotes"! I've enjoyed what I've read so far!
I'd love to read Holy Discontent...sounds like something I could use right now in my own life!
Thanks for writing,
Holy Discontent sounds like it would be good.
Sorry, too loaded up on books right now to add another, but I just HAD to write the first thing that came to mind. Its a writer thing. I'm sure you understand. ;)
wow, talk about being late to the party...
I'm interested in both books almost equally, maybe 3 seconds a little more so.
Holy Discontent looks interesting to me at the moment. But I'm not sure what my new address will be... hmm
i waited too long to get in the mix...
i guess there is some value in being last on your list. i'll be the last person you think of when you are putting that alogrithm to work...or when you are going to bed...
holy discontent for me, if i win the lottery, oh wait, that is outside of the pale of orthodoxy...
3 Seconds please.
Holy Discontent suits me to a tee. I hope you will pick me and send the book to me.
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