My site statistics have revealed that several people have arrived here looking for the “Devine Theology” blog of my professor, Dr. Mark DeVine. (Some of you may remember the earlier mock-fiasco about someone “dragging DeVine through de mud” online.) As a service to the community, it seems only right to point the way to Dr. DeVine’s actual blog—and this is especially fitting because he just posted a piece on C.S. Lewis, definitely worth a read. So go take a look at DeVine Theology.
I’m happy to help disseminate DeVine to a wide audience. (And who knows: some shameless name-dropping, i.e., "Ariel sent me," probably wouldn't hurt my grade any. ;)
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Mark DeVine Blog Portal
Posted by
2:00 PM
he got some e-love from the internetmonk recently as well..he's becoming big time.
It's ridiculous what a professorial position can do for you in the blogosphere. I guess I'll just have to ride to fame on his coattails. ;)
Naw, actually, his stuff is just that good.
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