Mark DeVine Blog Portal ~ BitterSweetLife

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Mark DeVine Blog Portal

My site statistics have revealed that several people have arrived here looking for the “Devine Theology” blog of my professor, Dr. Mark DeVine. (Some of you may remember the earlier mock-fiasco about someone “dragging DeVine through de mud” online.) As a service to the community, it seems only right to point the way to Dr. DeVine’s actual blog—and this is especially fitting because he just posted a piece on C.S. Lewis, definitely worth a read. So go take a look at DeVine Theology.

I’m happy to help disseminate DeVine to a wide audience. (And who knows: some shameless name-dropping, i.e., "Ariel sent me," probably wouldn't hurt my grade any. ;)

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Anonymous said...

he got some e-love from the internetmonk recently as well..he's becoming big time.

AJ said...

It's ridiculous what a professorial position can do for you in the blogosphere. I guess I'll just have to ride to fame on his coattails. ;)

Naw, actually, his stuff is just that good.


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