coComment: Trans-Blog Conversations ~ BitterSweetLife

Friday, May 19, 2006

coComment: Trans-Blog Conversations

Another Excursion Into Cool Technology


For some people, the blogosphere is a silent pleasure. Others enjoy it more when they talk about it.

If you’re in the latter category (or want to be), and tend to make comments on a regular basis, coComment is for you. I ran into this blogging accessory earlier this week, and after several days of use, I’m impressed and ready to recommend it.

The purpose of coComment is to collect all your comments in one place, no matter what blog you make them on. This makes it easy to track conversations and return to them. coComment’s functionality is attractive (you can tag your comments), the interface is simple, and the price is right: free.

If you’re curious to see coComment in action, you might want to click over to my coComment page, and get an idea of how the site works.

As with most of the hacks and add-ons I use, Firefox is highly recommended, and provides extra ease of use:

Get Firefox!

If you do take a look at coComment, let me know what you think. Tech update complete.

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Charles Churchill said...

You have no idea how much I'd like to send you large amounts of money for pointing me to coComment!!

Seriously. Thanks. This comment is going into my coComment conversation log... How cool is that?!? Huh?

Just think, a year from now, I'll be like, "I wonder what sort of comment I left on Ariel's blog - you know the one with 'the hip, indie-blog status', the one that has 'denotations of cool' and the British community at large pretty well sewn up. You know that blog 'Bitter-hmmm-something or other... chocolate... or housewives... something' - this time last year" And whereas before I would have had to guess, now I can just be like. "", clickity-click and blammo, instant commenty-inquisitiony goodness.

So, thanks. Seriously.

I'm gonna go leave comments everywhere....

Anonymous said...

Inside every theology student is a geek fighting to get out.

Andy said...

Okay, I'm in. This oughta be fun.

I actually looked at coComment awhile ago - just wasn't sure how I was going to use it.

But now...very cool. Theology geeks unite!

jason said...

Thanks for the heads up. I will definitely look into coComment.

AJ said...

Thanks for the enthusiasm, guys. Especially Gymbrall, who took the opportunity to give this blog love (sort of)...under-the-table payments will be made later (or not). ;)

I should note (and I will tag my note "cocomment") that the pop-up comment window has to be disabled on Blogger for coComment to work. That's the only "drawback" I've found so far...

Have a good time tracking your conversations! We'll see if they overlap...


Culture. Photos. Life's nagging questions. - BitterSweetLife