As people like Brian McLaren are quick to point out, Postmodernism is here to stay. This has a number of important side-effects. For example, I’m careful to remember that truth is no longer lingual and propositional, it’s more experiential and intuitive.
When I go to McDonald’s, and the server asks me what she can get for me, I frown perplexedly and rub my chin. Then I gesture tentatively in the direction of Value Meal #4. Usually she gets it. When she asks me if I want to super-size my order, I just say, “Well, what do you think?” She smiles and says, “Well, it seems like a good idea!” There’s something very beautiful and refreshing about this arrangement.
But on to more important things. There’s no doubt that postmodernism has left us with definite benefits. This is especially true for men.
I was considering this recently as I rushed toward a late substitute teaching assignment. In the old days, the accelerated journey toward the door would have been forced to detour in front of the mirror to preen a businesslike hairstyle into place. Thanks to postmodernism, this is no longer the case.
A handful of hair glue, few careless scrunches with all ten fingers—the more careless the better—and the professional young man is ready to face the day. Girls, I’m sorry that this advantage of postmodernism hasn’t reached you yet. It’s still struggling to transcend the cultural glass ceiling. This is wrong, and I’d be the first to say so, but there it is. Give it a few more years.
We men, on the other hand, owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to postmodernism for its emphasis on spontaneity and authenticity. When such a credo meets a hairstyle, the result is magnificent. At least it is for us, as we rush out the door.
As this is one of the cardinal virtues of postmodernism, I guess it goes without saying that I am all for it. I’m convinced, right along with McLaren, that postmodernism is here to stay. Postmodernism is the new truth. (Pardon the momentary relapse into propositional statement.) You can put up the dictionaries and pull out the hair glue! Farewell ‘facts’! Goodbye grammar! PMism is here to stay!
Unless I’m wrong.
Monday, March 06, 2006
Perks of Postmodernism
Posted by
1:44 PM
I am disappointed with this post, especially considering the post that precedes it. I have posted a thorough response on my blog.
read it here
I'm just glad someone finally commented on this post. ;)
Tim's critique is thoughtful, and worth a read (I say, as the object of critique). However, he does misinterpret the above post a bit. Below is the comment I left at Tim's blog:
Tim, you misread the intent of my post, but I blame myself for that, since the piece was ambiguously flippant. My aim, insomuch as there was one, was to take a swing at McLaren as well as the excesses of postmodernity which he so ably represents.
I'd cringe from throwing in my lot with Modernism, and find a lot to like in the Postmodern context, despite my willingness to criticize its blind spots. You effectively point out some of the advantages of Post structuralism here, which makes this post a good one, I think, even though your target is not entirely accurate...
But as I said, my post left itself open for all kinds of interpretations. Which was a very postmodern thing to do. ;)
considering the context, I feel that your use of the word "misinterpret" carries with it a deep irony.
Fair enough. Like I said, it was a somewhat frivolous post.
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