Theology 101: Infant Depravity ~ BitterSweetLife

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Theology 101: Infant Depravity

Spiritual baby

A kind of thin, punctuated wail met my ears when I entered the bathroom.

“What’s going on in here?”
“Check this out, Dad” said Aidan. “I’m showing off my sin nature! Wee-ah, wee-ah, wee-aaah!”

I watched as the little guy karate-kicked a bottle of baby lotion into the sink, his legs working like pistons. Lindsay was frantically trying to hold him down as she changed his diaper. The scene was riveting.

I stood by the counter and observed the microcosmic battle between good and evil, waiting to see who would get the upper hand.

“Hey, would you mind giving me a some help here?”
“Oh, sure.”

Let me tell you, this kid is a walking, talking theological laboratory.

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ninjapoodles said...

I love Aidan. If you so much as hint that he has a drop of evil in him one more time, I will come up there and punch you in the mouth.

With love.

Anonymous said...

He's so tiny, and so cute!

Will Robison said...

You may need more sleep. ;)

Andrew Simone said...

Let me tell you, this kid is a walking, talking theological laboratory.

Indeed,aren't we all?


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