...Continued from When Babies Attack
Johnny and I jumped in his car, me at the wheel, and we took off for Overland Park Regional. It was a good 40 minute drive, even with my expert foot on the accelerator. We were both extremely nervous; my throat was lined with tasteless cotton candy; Johnny was wondering what more he could do to help; but we stayed calm and played it off well because we’re cool like that. I asked Johnny, Did he know any more details? No, not really. Lindsay hadn't said much on the phone, except that she was being wheeled into the hospital on a stretcher. Ah, gotcha.
I thought, I am skipping Theology 2 to go meet my child. I hope this all works.
We pulled into the parking lot and jumped out of the car, walking hurriedly. We rushed into the Doctors’ Patient Building and punched the elevator button, then rode impatiently to floor 3. We stepped out of the elevator and looked around. This isn’t where they deliver babies, is it? Nope. We jumped back into the elevator, and rode impatiently back to floor 1. Out the door—this time we headed straight toward the building that had the words Main Entrance pasted on the side in five-foot-high letters. They wouldn't fool us twice.
I walked into the operating room, briefly inspected the gaping incision in Lindsay’s stomach, and seated myself by her head. I smiled at her encouragingly, took her hand, and prepared myself to witness the bloody worst. At that moment my mother-in-law, dressed up to resemble one of the operation assistants in blue coveralls, hairnet, and mask, said, “Do you want to see your new baby boy?!” and I realized I had missed the whole show. Oh well.
Approximately 45 minutes had elapsed since Johnny had apprehended me on campus. The world is always changing, but rarely does it buck and jerk this wildly in three quarters of an hour.
To be continued...
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Under the Knife
Posted by
11:32 PM
Even under the best of circumstances, a new baby's arrival is the wildest of rides. I'm a father of two, but I cannot imagine what you and Lindsay are experiencing right now.
The very best of wishes to you both.
So, are we to assume that you have a new, healthy addition to your family? I look forward to hearing more.
Best wishes to you and your family.
Congratulations! My best to your family. I will keep you in my prayers.
Congratulations to you both! There's no other blessing that can be compared to the birth of a child. Hope your wife and son are doing fine.
Congrats, etc.
I can't even imagine what is going through your head right now. I will be praying for all of you.
Congratulations on this truly blessed event. Many warm wishes for the days ahead.
Dude, you have a baby boy born just as the NCAA Tourney begins; that is an auspicious sign! Truly you are a blessed man! Congratulations ;)
Awww...congratulations!!! I think it was probably ok that you skipped theology for an event like this. ;-) How exciting! Blessings to both of you. Er...all THREE of you, I mean. ;-)
But you didn't tell us the baby's name!
Hey Arie and Lindsay!
Beth just told me your news! Congratulations!
Love, Rachel Starcke
Thanks for the prayers and thoughts, all. I'm getting a little ahead of my story, but I'll confide that Lindsay and the baby are supposed to be coming home from the hospital tomorrow.
My routine has been to spend all day at the hospital, come home late, and write a post to help unwind.
It may take a lot of unwinding to catch up with the last three days, though...it's been a crazy, good ride. :) I guess I should say it IS a crazy, good ride. Amazing, exhausting, incredible, nerve-wracking. God has been really gracious.
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