Life Is A Mystery (Blogger Limelight) ~ BitterSweetLife

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Life Is A Mystery (Blogger Limelight)

Blogger Limelight

I’ve been thinking I’d like to work some more with the intriguing Blogger Limelight concept, and this, the latest incarnation, has a new twist.

In the past, Limelight topics have taken aim at very specific questions, which have the benefit of provoking fairly deliberate responses. The downside of this approach, however, is that not everyone has the time or mind to draw a bead on a question with such precision. So the traditional Limelight post tends to attract fascinating commentary (in my opinion), but appeals to a limited audience.

Therefore, I’m trying to script something a little different this time. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is this: Write a post dealing in some way with the element of mystery we find in life.

I’m leaving this subject wide open. You might choose to detail why mystery is necessary for mental and spiritual health (ala G.K. Chesterton). Or you could write a quick narrative, touching on a mysterious experience. You might describe the latest, greatest mystery novel you read; or you might try to solve the mystery of how the MU Tigers will make it to the NCAA Tournament this year.

Really, be as creative as you like. The choice is yours.


How does this work?

  1. Write a post on “mystery in life.”

  2. Link your post to this post, using the Blogger Limelight button. (Send me a note if you need help here.)

  3. Leave a comment below, linking to your post, so others will find it.

You may also want to read Blogger Limelight Explained.

Like what you read? Don't forget to bookmark this post or subscribe to the feed.


AJ said...

Well, I accepted my own invitation... Mystery of Personality.

Looks like this little experiment may have resulted in a null hypothesis.

Andrew Simone said...

Sorry man, classes just started for me. You know how it goes.

AJ said...

No apology necessary!

I'm thinking I may hold new Limelight discussions in reserve, waiting for those profound, scintillating topics that occasionally rise naturally out of discussions.

Anonymous said...

I would participate in your Blogger Limelight discussions, but it usually takes me at least a week from coming up with an idea to actually writing up a post about it. So by the time I'd have something to post, you'd already be long gone on some other topic.

*sigh* That's what I get for being a slow writer, I guess!

Anonymous said...

Here's my contribution.

The mystery of development and maturation


Culture. Photos. Life's nagging questions. - BitterSweetLife