Sick as a Dog ~ BitterSweetLife

Friday, January 27, 2006

Sick as a Dog

Sick as a dog?

I’m home today, blowing my nose every five minutes, throat like a rain gutter, with a dull ache in my jaw that is either my wisdom teeth reallocating their living space or the result of my going head-to-head with an opposing player when I played rugby last Sunday.

I’m sitting back now, appreciating the diversity of that last sentence. It’s confusing, it’s awful, I hope you were able to get through it. But I’m too attached to it now to change it.

I’ve been wondering about the traditional phrase, “sick as a dog.” I’m not sure I get it. Other phrases seem like they would be more appropriate to describe my condition. In fact, most of the dogs I have known were remarkably healthy.

Why not “sick as an aquarium fish?” Or “sick as a water turtle?” It seems like aquarium fish are not especially predisposed to life. They’re just as likely to be floating upside down as right side up when you turn on the light in the morning. Water turtles are similar. They’re ridiculously picky about what they eat, and seem very willing to become dormant and taciturn if you don’t feed them just what they want.

If we expand the parameters outside the traditional ‘pet’ sector, why not “sick as a seal?” They always seem to have wet, runny noses. Or (gross!) “sick as a slug?” If facsimile is what we’re after, it seems like honesty would bring us here.

Anyway. Now that I’ve complained for a little while, I’m going to continue beating up Bertrand Russell’s essay, “A Free Man’s Worship.” In the universe Russell describes, the title itself is a non sequitur. I know you’re not supposed to pick on dead people, but I have to do it for class. And I’m sick—sick as a dog. Therefore, ‘sicking’ myself on Russell should be completely permissible.

When a sick guy meets a dead guy, the sick guy wins.

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Anonymous said...

Thanks--this post gave me a good laugh. And I like that first sentence. ;-)

Alexys Fairfield said...


Oh no, you can't get sick, the blogosphere needs bloggers like you to lead the way. At least your representative (the doggie in the picture) is adorable and willing to step in for you, should you perish, but I don't think that will happen anytime soon. Hope you feel better and keep your spirits up.

Take care

Anonymous said...

"I've been wondering about the traditional phrase, 'sick as a dog.'"

Perhaps you should have Googled it.

Questions & Answers: Sick as a dog

Google is your friend. It knows many things. And what it doesn't know, well, we'll get there when we get there.

I hope you're feeling better.

SinisterBaby said...

When "sick as a dog" was first employed, a dog's life was a sorry one. I can remember how dogs were treated when I was very young in the early sixties. :-(

I can faintly remember how the neighbours treated their wives. In the 70s, I became a supporter of feminist causes as a reaction to what I'd witnessed.


Anonymous said...

Hope you're better. KU's performance yesterday should have helped. BTW, I posted a preemptive missive re: Mizzou's effort on Saturday. Ay Caramba! I think Quin's days are numbered.

As for getting sick. Wait till you have kids.


AJ said...

Thanks for the therapeutic comments. Not only am I feeling a little better, I've also gained new etymological knowledge, thanks to Bagel's canny Google usage.

Sherman, your willingness to take it on the chin when necessary is commendable, and very un-MU-ish, in my experience. Bravo!

J, thanks for the literary love. Sinister, your ability to make allusions to the '60s is unparalleled. Alexys, you are very kind. The invalid appreciates your sympathy. :)


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