Blogger Limelight Grows ~ BitterSweetLife

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Blogger Limelight Grows

When I made the call for more Blogger Limelight discussions yesterday, Andy didn't waste any time. He's initiated a Limelight thread on the topic of "cyber-church" - what exactly is it, and how "real" can it be?

These are pretty good questions, given that billions of people spend much of their lives online. I also think the question is particularly relevant to the Christian faith, with its very, very strong emphasis on community. Does "cyber-church" play a legit role here?

Good questions, Andy. I may have to take a stab at this.

Anyone else want to add to the Limelight momentum? There's no rule that says we can have just one discussion going at a time...

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Andy said...

Tag, you're it. My thoughts on the topic are up.


Culture. Photos. Life's nagging questions. - BitterSweetLife