Haunting Truth ~ BitterSweetLife

Monday, May 21, 2007

Haunting Truth

We've fingered so many truths,
hoping they would lodge
in our heart's fine motor memory,
that we could be writing saintly libraries now
instead of wondering how not to hate
or rage or lust or rampage.

I wonder what it takes
for truth to sink down
through the skin of the cerebrum,
sink down to soul depths
and stay, not merely present,
but active.

And I suspect the answer:
Not more lectures and careful notes
but a life more haunted, willingly,
by the Holy Ghost.

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Amy Taylor said...

Thanks, Arie!

Ched said...

a life more haunted, willingly,
by the Holy Ghost.

Ahh, very nice.


Culture. Photos. Life's nagging questions. - BitterSweetLife