The Books of Summer ~ BitterSweetLife

Monday, July 24, 2006

The Books of Summer

Back in June, as I felt the warm undercurrents of summer pulling me toward a bookish ocean, I named a handful of must-reads that would be accompanying me on the trip. Little did I know that a dangerous vortex lay ahead in the form of my now-infamous Summer Class. Fortunately, my sea-course has been gradually corrected. When Lindsay and I went shopping for used books at our local library last weekend, I felt sanguine enough to make some new acquisitions.

If you haven’t guessed already, the sole purpose of this post is to showcase my new books. You never enjoy anything fully until you share it with others, right? Coming up soon is an update on my projected reads. (I’ve finished one and I’m halfway through two more; three guesses as to which the first book I finished was...)

But here are the new faces. Scan ‘em and be glad.

(Helprin's book is also a newcomer.)

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D. Timothy Goering said...

I love buying books. Even if I don't ever read them! That is totally beside the point! It is the sudden feeling of power and sagacity that makes this little jar of clay go wild at the cash register. =^)

Oneway the Herald said...

My main form of materialism is book-buying. That said, looks like you made some good moves.

I always said that if I ever came out with a hip hop album, I'd title it "The Fury and the Sound".

AJ said...

"It is the sudden feeling of power and sagacity that makes this little jar of clay go wild at the cash register."

Heh heh. I'm picturing the sagacious, powerful little urn doing a jig, coins clinking inside. Nice line.

"My main form of materialism is book-buying. That said, looks like you made some good moves."

And I'm picturing myself busting out the killer moves on the dance flo-that is, in the book store. I'll take that one! (ratta-tat-tat) and that one! (buh-bum-bum) - ring 'em up!

Thanks for the cool visuals.


Culture. Photos. Life's nagging questions. - BitterSweetLife