A More Del.icio.us Blog ~ BitterSweetLife

Monday, February 20, 2006

A More Del.icio.us Blog

spiritual Del.icio.us tags

This blog has become even more del.icio.us lately, if that’s possible.

I went ahead and caved in to the popular trend to use del.icio.us tags for anything and everything, no mater how esoteric. The index system I designed for BitterSweetLife is still in effect, but I no longer use those tags exclusively.

For example:

A ‘stereotypical’ BitterSweetLife post mentioning C.S. Lewis, joy and pain, a hoops game, and an anecdote about my strenuous writing life (powered by coffee) would have traditionally been filed under:


(Each of these tags having been carefully chosen and defined in my tag indexes: One: A – I / Two: J –Z)

But using my new del.icio.us approach, I might also add:

Anytag, in fact, that strikes me. ("Anytag" is a word similar to "anything" that has been created for the blogging age. By me.) Practically speaking, this means that more del.icio.us tags will be appearing under my posts, and that you’ll be able to dig through my index system more efficiently. Several new tags are already collecting multiple posts. Among the leaders are: Time, Prayer, Coffee

Exciting stuff, eh?

To empower you for all the del.icio.us exploring that is no doubt about to transpire, I added a button to the top-right sidebar: BitterSweetLife at del.icio.us This will plunge you directly into the immersive experience known more commonly as BitterSweetLife’s del.icio.us page.


A few of you might be interested in the source of my latest incarnation of del.icio.us tagging, which I obviously did not come up with myself. I found the hack at FreshBlog (hack option 3) and added the little del.icio.us icons with tips found in Fresh Blog's Revised Del.icio.us How-to Post. The beauty of this version is that the tagging process is almost fully automated. If you're not using Firefox yet, this hack requires it. Good luck!

Still trying to get up to speed? Check out these related posts (also accessible through my 'Del.icio.us' tag!)

Like what you read? Don't forget to bookmark this post or subscribe to the feed.


Anonymous said...

My goodness, I tried understanding Del.icio.us a while back. I didn't get any of it. But hey, hope you are happy with it :)

AJ said...

Thanks for the good wishes. Del.icio.us is one of those enigmatic but rewarding entities...like Ethiopian dark coffee or Pascal's Pensees.

I suspect it's too geeky for most of this blog's readers, though. If anyone else is using Del.icio.us out there, speak up!


Culture. Photos. Life's nagging questions. - BitterSweetLife