Blogger Limelight - And How Do You Spell "Humility?" ~ BitterSweetLife

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Blogger Limelight - And How Do You Spell "Humility?"

Blogger Limelight

Yesterday I revealed that I was toying with the idea of being more proactive, more assertive, where humility is concerned. It seemed like a killer idea. In fact, just talking about it made me feel more humble. But, as Bright Eyes rasps, "The devil is in the details." Or the lack thereof.

Applying personal humility would seem to be a challenge. How does one go about it?

That's the question I've been asking myself, and, judging from several comments, that's the question that everyone is asking. How do I act humbly? What does it look like?

I'd suggest that there are probably 101 ways to enhance one's chances of humility, if we look at the question creatively. And that's what I'm inviting you to do. Write a quick post dealing with this very issue. In my life, how do I give humility a fighting chance?

Your answer might deal with concepts that are physical and visible, or inner and spiritual. You might give just one suggestion, or several. And you may choose to address the other side of the question--How do I avoid a humility that is only skin-deep, an ugly trapping of "cultural Christianity?" The only caveat is that your idea must be one you intend to apply. (How's that for small print with some bite? ;)

I've "hosted" a few discussions in the past, and I seem to end up learning and having a great time as a I'm going a step further this time around and "formalizing" the process. Who's up for the latest Blogger Limelight discussion?

Blogger Limelight

If you choose to join in, you'll enjoy some good conversation, a little extra site traffic, and, hopefully...a greater depth of humility, right?

Here's how this works:

  1. Write a post on the topic above.
  2. Link back to this post using the Blogger Limelight button.
  3. Post a link to your piece in the comments (below).
All right, have at it. I will as well.

Like what you read? Don't forget to bookmark this post or subscribe to the feed.


Carmen said...
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AJ said...

Cool, Camille. I applaud your bravery.

I need to unpackage the "Limelight" concept a little more. In the meantime, I'm wondering if this topic seems kind of imposing...

Weekend Fisher said...

I plan on posting but spent last night doing my Bible studies before posting on something like that. Boy was I in for an education! I never realized how little I understood about humility. I'm sure I've still got plenty of learning to do, that'll be a life-longer. But I'll be posting my thoughts so far and linking here when I get a chance, I hope this evening.

Carmen said...
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Carmen said...

Oh, the trials of commenting. The third time is the charm :P

thanks for opening up this forum.


AJ said...

Enjoyable provocative post, Camille. Fisher, we await your thoughts. I think your assessment of the situation ("life-longer") is right on though.

I went ahead and clarified the Blogger Limelight idea here, and I'll be slamming up my own "humility" take in a little bit.

Weekend Fisher said...

Ok, my comment is up over here.

Take care & God bless

John B. said...

This is a most intriguing question, Ariel. I've tried my hand at a response here.

AJ said...

My own take, Against Humility, is finally up. I dragged my feet a little bit because I wanted to polish it up before posting. Whether that delay can be attributed to humility is open to debate... ;)


Culture. Photos. Life's nagging questions. - BitterSweetLife