Lindsay Tackles R&R ~ BitterSweetLife

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Lindsay Tackles R&R

The big news around here is that Lindsay has decided to start reading books (again) and running (for the first time). In case you're wondering, preserving one's sanity in the midst of kids that bounce off the walls and floors like atoms in an accelerator is an active pursuit.

Aidan and Asher are in shock and I'm cheering, especially since Lindsay's reading Michael Frost's Exiles, a book I'm looking forward to discussing. I'm twisting her arm for a review, but that may not happen, even with the added leverage of this post.

On the running front, Lindsay covered a mile on her first time out, and said she felt good. All the more impressive, yesterday she told me that she was looking forward to running today. I'm just amazed that she can run at all while carrying Aidan and Asher in a backpack. No, not really.

But Lindsay is tearing it up around here, and as Aidan told her, after reading Calvin and Hobbes, "Your approval ratings are taking an upward turn this week, Mom." Nice work.

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Anonymous said...

tell Lindsay that (inmho) the BEST way to get running is to find a race and set a goal. Otherwise, kidworld will inevitably catch up w/her and her momentum will slide. I know EXACTLY what she is feeling and ran my first marathon when 1st born was 20mos! When I started training (w/Team in Training) I had never ran more than 2 miles at a time. That was 8 years ago and now I do triathlons and it keeps me sane. Tell her to get online and find a 5k and make that her FIRST goal...then her workouts are leading to something. My running (and now biking and swimming) are truly the most precious time I have w/my thoughts and w/our Lord...its the only true "quiet" time I have anymore and I truly truly treasure it. Encourage her and I'll be saying a prayer for her here in big hot Texas...GO LINDSAY!


Culture. Photos. Life's nagging questions. - BitterSweetLife