Twitter Policy in the Works ~ BitterSweetLife

Monday, June 09, 2008

Twitter Policy in the Works

Here were the stipulations under which I signed up with Twitter.

1. Change the visual background so that people won't mistake my homepage for a Welcome the Newborn Baby site. The little bird and powder blue motif can create that effect...
2. Post whenever someone chooses to "follow" me, thereby reminding me that I have a Twitter account.

So I guess you could say that the stars have not yet aligned themselves in such a way that I can whole-heartedly adopt the Twitter lifestyle. Clearly, though, some people adore Twitter. Absolutely love knowing what various people are doing and thinking at random hours throughout the day. Am I missing something?

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Unknown said...

I signed up for Twitter.
And I think it's ridiculous.


Culture. Photos. Life's nagging questions. - BitterSweetLife