Asher's Workout Regimen ~ BitterSweetLife

Friday, June 13, 2008

Asher's Workout Regimen

Let's be honest. Older brothers can be a little rough prone to wrestling and body-slamming. And Asher has had enough.

I've been noticing that he disappears in the living room for long periods of time (by "living room" I mean the general area of our loft where the futons are) and today I walked in on what is apparently Asher's new workout regimen.

When I asked how long he's been doing this, he told me he'd been working out secretly for about a month, usually during Aidan's nap time. When I asked how long he would keep it up, he told me--after finishing his set of push-ups--that he'd keep at until he could squash Aidan like a bug.

This kid is intense. I don't think my back could handle his futon-push-ups. To be real candid, I don't intend to find out. But now that I think about it... Asher's arms and torso are starting to look HUGE.

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Anonymous said...

I love little Asher. I want more.. he is so cute! Love your blog.


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