Last night I was awakened by the sound of Aidan laughing in his sleep.
To say it made me feel good doesn't quite cover it. Among other things, I think of sleep as the time when nascent thoughts and feelings emerge, often wearing wild clothing. No one is inhibited while they dream. This accounts for the appearance of the weird, the puzzling, the frightening, but not only this...
In the small hours of the morning, I can't think of anything I'd rather hear than my child laughing without knowing it.
Friday, January 26, 2007
Do You Laugh in Your Dreams?
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9:24 AM
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Well actually I must say that Aidan and I have something in common. It has actually happened to me a few times that I woke myself up because something was really funny to me in my dreams!
It's actually a very fun experience...
Incredible. yes, I would love to hear that sound coming from any of my children sleeping.
Timothy, you lucky dog. I'm guessing you probably walked tall for a few days, looking for convenient lulls in conversation. ["Hey, guess what happened to me last night?"] I would. I wonder what your wife made of it.
Bryan, maybe you will. It was pretty cool, and a nice variation on the usual routine (Aidan hates sleep with a vengeance).
This is great timing. :) Just last night my husband laughed in his sleep. I woke him up, concerned that he'd forget his dream if I waited too long to ask him about it. Turns out he was dreaming about our future son as a toddler who said something cute.
Just last night my husband laughed in his sleep...Turns out he was dreaming about our future son...
That's a great story! I wish I was having similar experiences these days. As it is, the closest I can come was just last night when I jerked awake in my sleep. Turns out I was hearing our present son who is not yet a toddler who was crying at around 2 a.m. Not exactly reciprocity, is it. :)
:) It is still endearing... Aidan is such a cutie! Isn't *everything* he does just adorable? Well, I'll suppose I wouldn't think so if I were the one waking up at two in the morning. I know my time will come.
- Dana
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