Black Market Bose ~ BitterSweetLife

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Black Market Bose

In Which I Briefly Contemplate an Impulse Purchase Which Would Enhance Our 24 Viewing Experience But Would Probably Not Be Good For My Marriage

I'm putting gas in the car, which has a drinking problem, when a guy in a suburban pulls up next to me. He wants to sell me "a four thousand dollar Bose home theatre system."

"I won it at work and I'm trying to give it away."
"Wow. How much do you want for it?"
"I don't know, I'm just trying to unload it."
I glance toward the passenger seat where Lindsay is sitting, blissfully ignorant of the deal that is about to go down... I sigh.
"Well, I'd better not."
"You know about Bose, right? Little speakers that make [bleeping] awesome hi-fi surround sound?"
"Yeah, I know. But I don't think so. We're moving. Actually, we're trying to downsize."
"Moving! You see. Now is the perfect time, then!"
"Not really."
"Man, I'm just trying to help you out!"

Goodbye, Bose Home Theater System. Even from inside your box, your appeal shone through. Your inner beauty could not be hidden. Rest assured that I am not rejecting you. It is an unfortunate combination of circumstance and bank account that hinders our friendship. Perhaps we will meet again someday, in more favorable circumstances.

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Anonymous said...

Check this out.

White Van - It happened to me

They said they were selling expensive speakers at a discount, some story that the place they were delivering them to didn't want them, and their boss said to get rid of them. Something along the lines of $900 speakers, but you can have them for $400, but they're worth maybe $75.

There's a saying about Bose: No highs, no lows, must be Bose.

As a brand, I wouldn't recommend them. My speakers at home are all Klipsch. A friend of mind used to say that a good stereo will change your molecular structure.

Unknown said...

Same exact thing happened to me as well....gotta be a scam...

Anonymous said...

The anonymous comment is me. Apparently, AJ's move to the new Blogger left my identity behind.

Oneway the Herald said...

I wasn't sure if you were being sarcastic, because the ol' discount speakers thing is a classic scam. If it's too good to be true, it usually is.

AJ said...

I wasn't sure if you were being sarcastic...

Sarcasm intended - I should've been more blatant. Alarms were going off in my head. What made me laugh was how indignant the shyster was when I wouldn't let him "help me out." Poor, foiled good Samaritan that he was.

Today a clerk at the post office tried hard to let me walk off so he could pocket my $10 "cash back," but I called him on it. I must look like a sucker.


Culture. Photos. Life's nagging questions. - BitterSweetLife