Weekend Photo: Urban Descent ~ BitterSweetLife

Friday, June 23, 2006

Weekend Photo: Urban Descent

I snapped this shot in a parking garage a couple blocks from our apartment. Afterwards I adjusted the contrast to make the picture snap (note the washed out, sunlit sidewalk), but the "hellish" red glare comes from the garage's below-ground lighting, reflected off stained concrete.

You should also check out the work of Joe Thorn and Steve McCoy.

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Paula said...

That's very cool!

Nabeel said...

ohh awesome .. so the hellish red glare is not photoshopped .. hmmm .. is the pricing counter down the stairs where they tell you it was nineteen hundred dolars for 2 hours of parking?

AJ said...

Thanks, guys.

Nabeel, you're right about the pricing. Parking downtown is a subtle problem of choosing the lesser of two evils: ridiculous garage fees or money-hungry "parking patrol" agents (people who didn't qualify to be real policemen.)

These pseudo-officers will write you up at the least provocation, and often unjustly.

Of course, these costs are irrelevant in comparison to the luxury of living in the epicenter of style and culture that is downtown KC. ;)

littlepeace said...

Overlay or color burn adjustment, perchance? Amazing photo, I must say. I am mostly always jealous of your photography skills. Dang.


Culture. Photos. Life's nagging questions. - BitterSweetLife