This Just In: Weekend Buzz ~ BitterSweetLife

Sunday, June 04, 2006

This Just In: Weekend Buzz

A couple days ago, Lindsay was walking up to our apartment with her mom, when a homeless guy approached with the spiel about desperately-needing-cash-to-take-a bus-across-town-to-visit-his-dying-mother-in-law-and-her-starving-cat. He gave a decent rendition, and in return, Lindsay told him that she couldn't give him money but she would be happy to go upstairs and get him some food.

He said, Sure, that would be great, and then preceded to the issue of menu. "What kind of food? A burger or somethin'?"

Lindsay told him probably not, seeing as she would have to be marvelously quick on her feet to bustle upstairs, pull on her apron and hair net, and fry up a burger, then rush it down while the customer waited... However, the homeless guy was willing to overlook this lapse. (Or so he said at the time; in reality he split before the food arrived.)

Here in KC, we pride ourselves on having some of the most epicurean homeless people in the country.


In other breaking news, I discovered yesterday that some readers have reached this blog by Googling "meaning of smart ass." In true bittersweet fashion, I reacted to the news with a mixture of pleasure and indignation.

Of course, it is, and will no doubt remain a mystery as to how those search terms could be in any way connected with this blog.

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Anonymous said...

I've a post coming up on Search Engine strings which dovetails with this.

BTW, I've offered the "Will Work For Food" folks, work in exchange for cash. No dice. I've also bought and attempted to deliver food to the same, i.e. a McDonald's meal. They've never been happy.

Oh well.


Anonymous said...

Ha ha, in reference to the google thing.

Will Robison said...

Its all that great barbeque in KC. Beggars really can be choosers given the right set of circumstances ;)

Anonymous said...

So I went to Google and used your new hot search term to see how high you came up under "meaning of smart ass".

I went through the first 20 pages and couldn't find you, so...keep working on that.

AJ said...

I came across this post - Moment of Truth - which includes a drawn-out discussion of who exactly "Smart Alec" was. I'm thinking it's probably at the root of all this.

Clearly, I have to keep working on my Google ratings, Will...

Meaning of smart ass
Meaning of smart ass
Meaning of smart ass



Culture. Photos. Life's nagging questions. - BitterSweetLife