Kansas City Bloggers - Now We Have the Tattoo ~ BitterSweetLife

Friday, May 09, 2008

Kansas City Bloggers - Now We Have the Tattoo

As reported by Spyder, the Kansas City bloggers' gathering happened last night. Lindsay and I left the kiddos at home with The Incredibles on TV and a large lemon meringue pie in the middle of the carpet, and headed over to Rincon Columbiano, a cleverly concealed Columbian restaurant not too far from us. Excellent food, and good conversation too. We had a fun time.

One humorously weird thing that I absolutely should have been prepared for was the way that people went by the names of their blogs--so Sponge would carry on a conversation with Banky, before chatting with Toast for awhile--at least, I think that's how it worked. In the next few days, you may notice the title of this blog changing to something along the lines of Stud, President Boss Man or Your Awesomeness...

Lindsay and I thoroughly enjoyed ourselves, even the stretch where we sat back like spectators at a high-speed tennis game while a discussion about politics ran up and down our table like wildfire. I may have to get my political groove back, since I haven't debated politics much for the last decade... Then again, the neck exercise doesn't hurt.

If any of you other KC bloggers are eying these meet-ups and thinking about taking the plunge, you should. Fun group of people, diverse opinions, and they're kind to newcomers (after they stopped beating us with wet noodles, we really had a good time). I understand these things happen about once a month, and you can keep an eye on the Kansas City Bloggers site for details.

Courtesy of Spyder, here's the list of sociable local bloggers who showed up:

arieljvan.com / BitterSweetLife and lovely wife Lindsay New to the group
Average Jane /Kansas City Kitty
Banky For President New to the group
Bea's Weblog
Beneath the Ginko-Kanga
Hip Suburban White Guy
Logtar's Blog
M.Toast Hivemind
Sponge Worthy

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Spyder said...

It was great meeting you both. I'm so glad you had a good time.

AJ said...

We'll try and make future meets too. Thanks for acting as the volunteer coordinator, Spyder!


Culture. Photos. Life's nagging questions. - BitterSweetLife