Free Coldplay Music: "Violet Hill" ~ BitterSweetLife

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Free Coldplay Music: "Violet Hill"

If you're a die-hard fan, you already know. So for you more relaxed fans:

"Violet Hill" is the first single from the upcoming Coldplay album, Viva la Vida, and you can download the MP3 free through May 5.

It's hard to judge an album by one song. Case in point: the mixed reviews bubbling up over at Patrol Mag. David Sessions leads off, saying...

It’s still very Coldplay— still a lot of singing and a lot of piano block chords. But Martin has returned to his lower register (thank God), where he sounds darker, more muscular. This song is as big as some of the numbers on X&Y, but in the right way—loud, nervous energy (jagged, heavily distorted guitar riffs and frenetic drums) that rises and falls at just the right moments.

...then a a free for-all-debate erupts in the comments. What do you think about the new Coldplay single?

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Randzig said...

I like it because it sounds like Oasis...and I like Oasis. No seriously Oasis is still huge in Europe.

AJ said...

That's one reference I didn't see coming. Way to showcase your Oasis loyalties--gutsy move.

I'll come out and say that "Violet Hill" has me positively impressed. Martin's vocals sound more charged than they did on X&Y, which got kind of disembodied at times.

AJ said...

That's one reference I didn't see coming. Way to showcase your Oasis loyalties--gutsy move.

I'll come out and say that "Violet Hill" has me positively impressed. Martin's vocals sound more charged than they did on X&Y, which got kind of disembodied at times.


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