My bball game has been on the backburner so long it's slightly charred. But today I had an opportunity to turn on the heat and mix it up.
After work, for reasons known best to himself—but which involved a girl—my brother felt compelled to challenge me to a one-on-one hoops game.
I felt bad about doing it, since his self-confidence has been growing by leaps and bounds lately, but I really had no choice. It hurt me, it really did, but I hung the decisive L on him—which is not to say the game was a cupcake. But I needed to make a statement.
There may be an extra bounce in your step, bro, but I am still the man in this sport.
That being the case, I’m sorry I had to prove it at your expense.
Well, sort of sorry. But better luck next time… ;)
* The full title of this post, suppressed for semantic reasons, is "Love & Hoops & Smack."
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Love & Hoops...*
Posted by
6:42 PM
Ahh... fraternal love, basketball, and the joy of a competition which must end in the utter humiliation of your opponent(s). For a moment, I was back at ALERT. Of course one could replace basketball with any of the following: soccer, Gater ball, ALERT rules crab soccer, the Snake Walk, push-ups, racing around the lake... (oh dear, I've started a list that has no end) ...hiking, drinking Mountain Dews, seeing who can put more bread in their mouth, sitting still, who can build the largest campfire... the quickest... in -40° weather, using only snow... and a chipmunk...
Man those were good times. Tell your brother he got owned by an ALERT man, and then do something embarrassingly masculine while bellowing something incomprehensibly guttural. Go on. You deserve it.
An alumn speaks up!
Man, talk about bringing back memories. And instances of real competition! Those were the days.
Of course, some of the "rec" activities at a disaster relief program can end in distaster themselves. I can see it like a film clip.
ALERT rules crab soccer, for example, or - my favorite - snow (goon) soccer. Either of these sports could end in death or disfigurment. Even so...
[cue nostalgic music]
I still wake up in a cold sweat sometimes, dreaming about the hours I spent "racing around the lake" in sub-zero temperatures.
Whatever else you might say...(and much could be said) we were men in those days, boys. *sniff*
We were men.
[roll credits]
...this comment was based on a true story...
I don't mind you receiving some blog inspiration from our single short match-up on Friday, but I do have one request-- Could you give just as full coverage to when I beat you the next time we play?
"Could you give just as full coverage to when I beat you the next time we play?"
Well, of course. Whatever it takes to put a fire in your belly.
After all, I want our next game to be competitive.
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