In Other Breaking News ~ BitterSweetLife

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

In Other Breaking News

A decisive point has arrived. A great bridge has been crossed. The Vocabulary Reclamation Project has just attracted its first paying member.*

Understandably, this was an emotional occasion for all involved. Overlyconscious wrote, “The link and banner are up and my eyes are, like, welling.” And I concurred.

The man deserves a quick life story, no doubt—and his site will soon grace the VRP’s new blogroll. As it is, I’m at least giving him a link.

* But I thought it was free! It is—and enhanced panache and class seldom come this cheap. “Paying” is merely metaphorical; or, if you will, it refers to overlyconscious’ placement of a VRP button and link on his site.

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Andrew Simone said...
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Andrew Simone said...

We are all very exicited here at VRP, for soon our grammatical vaudevillainy will be in full force with our magnum opus rumored to be near completion: the linguistic soft-shoe.

Thanks for the link.

10:12 AM

colleen said...

he he...i enjoyed that. I think the VRP is a brilliant idea...and i'm in full support! if my own blog was more eloquent i'd perhaps consider gracing it with your petit banner.
anyway...if you like The Pedro album you have now, you'll enjoy any of them. Some of the songs on Control are...well, a little intense, and have had a lot of opposition from Christians and the like. Pedro draws a fine line between his own artistic expression and what is appropriate for his audience (if one would assume his audiance is primarily Christian)...and seems to forget where it is sometimes.
I guess it all just depends on one's security in what they believe...which may be why i can just enjoy some of the songs artistically without letting my self be put-off. Because i do appreciate his musical talent quite a lot. I'd say more, but when i start typing this much for a comment, i feel the words may be better suited for a future post.
Well...go ahead and listen to it; it's a good record. And good luck with the project!

AJ said...

Thanks for the Pedro notes, colleen. I actually have Control on mp3, and agree with your take... Bazaan is kind of a mixed bag, but I do like some of his stuff.

As to this...
"if my own blog was more eloquent i'd perhaps consider gracing it with your petit banner."

...and for others who are intimidated by the VRP's flair, consider this excerpt from the How do I join? FAQ:

"...the only prerequisite is a genuine love for words. (Your vocabulary need not have already "arrived"...whose really has?)"

How about that?


Culture. Photos. Life's nagging questions. - BitterSweetLife