A Trivial, Opinionated Post ~ BitterSweetLife

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

A Trivial, Opinionated Post

Who says it doesn't pay off to feel strongly about small things?

Last night Lindsay and I enjoyed a moment of special comradery at dinner because we both like our eggs over easy. Runny yolks, we agree, are a joy inherent to eggs. We also share an affinity for "breakfast at dinner," instilled somewhere in childhood. Of course, our shared "like" is also nuanced—I think eggs fried to the point of plasticity are just dumb, while Lindsay is inclined toward a more tolerant view.

Small, shared opinions are highly valuable in a relationship. I could list out a few more, like our movie preferences and abhorrence for diet soda, but you get the idea.

Being opinionated over trivial things can add spice to a relationship. Where life’s trifling preferences are concerned, it may just be a good idea to "major in the majors" and the minors. ;)

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Rodney Olsen said...

If you overcook eggs, you might as well just eat the carton they came in. Let's all stand up for runny yokes.

Paula said...

I feel *very* strongly opposed to the practice of putting ketchup on eggs.

AJ said...

I feel that in general, ketchup gets way too much leeway. Ketchup with eggs...ketchup with chicken... A tragedy of culinary imagination.


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