Yesterday I became aware of a somewhat innovative site called Evangelical Underground. I stumbled upon the place in what is probably the best possible way to stumble upon an unknown object: by noticing a good vibe that must be investigated. That’s right folks, BitterSweetLife has been nominated for an award.
Needless to say, the site is already growing on me. To answer your unspoken question, No, BitterSweetLife wasn’t nominated in the “Best Blog—Absolutely, Hands Down, No Contest” category. Rather, the blog is a nominee for “Best Domestic Evangelical Blog (U.S.).” I could quibble over the “Domestic” and “Evangelical” aspects of this nomination, but hey, you’ve gotta start somewhere. Anyway, a hearty thanks to whoever supplied the love (If you choose to step forward and be counted, I’ll thank you in person)!
In the meantime, there are many other “Best of-” awards out there. Get busy, people.
Saturday, January 29, 2005
Stumbling Toward Infamy
Posted by
3:20 PM
And you were complaining about site traffic.
Of course, your posts tend to be more "filling" than mine. But just wait, one of these days I'm gonna get my own book deal, then the gloves are coming off.
Bagel, your site traffic compared to mine...well, words fail me. But the old Godzilla vs. Bambi allusion comes to mind.
In terms of the book deal, though, what can I say? You should have had one yesterday. ;)
I just Googled around for the Bambi Meets Godzilla video, but I can't find it.
Congratulations, Ariel!!! I also would quibble with the domestic title--don't they know it's the World Wide Web? And seeing as how you pontificate on so many extraterrestrial themes, how can they possibly say it's domestic? :p
congratulations, Lion of God
This is an excellent blog and some recognition will benefit everyone.
"...pontificate on so many extraterrestial themes..."
Bravo! That phrase is worthy of the VRP and deserves recognition.
Been doing a little Hebrew study, oneway? Some etymology work? Thanks for the props.
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