Yankee Hotel Foxtrot for $5 ~ BitterSweetLife

Monday, September 22, 2008

Yankee Hotel Foxtrot for $5

This will be old news for some of you, but through today you can download Wilco's indie classic, Yankee Hotel Foxtrot, for $5.

Lindsay and I were out of town over the weekend getting some church planting training, so I was unable to rush to the computer and mention the Wilco sale on Friday when it began. 

Yankee Hotel Foxtrot is a quintessential Wilco album, which makes it a must-have for people who love indie rock, in my opinion. Look for the unexpected, quirky lyrics, sampling, and some flat-out addictive tunes. 

There's something about YHF that makes it a great fall disc. Maybe the notes of regret, accompanied by strong intent, and some moments that I simple describe as beautiful. We were playing it yesterday on the drive out into the countryside to pick (and, uh, throw at random people) apples with Aidan and Asher.

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