~ BitterSweetLife

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

My Christmas break assignment.

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. : A : . said...

That's quite a handful! Reminds me to upstock on my collection too!


Enjoy these!

AJ said...

Thanks, A. Do you have a Top Ten Authors list? (See the comments below.) I'm curious what everyone else is reading, or, like me, wishes they were...

tequilita said...

character flaw #14 about me: i love books but i don't like to read much. i'm forever trying to change that about me, no luck yet. so, anytime i hear of a book that sounds interesting, i get it. i'm accumulating a nice assortment of books i AM going to read someday. really, i am. i mean it. maybe. i've recently bought the pope's book, "rise, let us be on our way," -i haven't started it yet. and two kerouac books, and a gertrude stein novel that so far, i'm not liking. anyway, i aspire to be well-read.

Tim P. said...

i liked the idea of a top ten list of authors. so I blogged about it (not too indepthly) you can see it here: MSSI even thought about choosing different categories of literature and widening my expository array, but alas - time conquered.

Metamorphosis said...

I too have a stack of books that I don't have time to read: war and peace, humility by andrew murray, absolute surrender by andrew murray, out of the silent planet & perelandra-c.s. lewis.
i'm looking forward to christmas break so i can read something besides my college algebra textbook! :)

AJ said...

Kerouac, Tolstoy, Lewis, Murray, you all have some great reading ahead of you. Lewis' Space Trilogy is amazing, but you probably know that. Humility is on my stack too...haven't got around to Kerouac yet.

. : A : . said...

I don't really have a Top 10 authors list (or I haven't bothered to make one), but at any given point of time, I have a list of the next 10 books I am going to read!

Ninjanun said...

The Unnecessary Pastor? That sounds like a fun read!

AJ said...

Lest anyone be misled...the idea with The Unecessary Pastor is how not to be one. :)


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