A Relevant Thought ~ BitterSweetLife

Sunday, September 26, 2004

A Relevant Thought

Wow, those people at Relevant Magazine* (Online) sure work fast! I sent an article their way just last week, and it's already up on the site. If you like, go ahead and hit up Cynicism Criticism. (And just to clarify, the accompanying banner photo is not me. :) Tell me what ya think.

*The Disclaimer
A word on Relevant: by posting on their site, I'm not implying that I endorse all the ideas communicated by their writers. (I don't.) Moreover, I'm not suggesting that Relevant is the final word on how to interact with our culture. (They're not.) But savvy thinkers will be able to sort content for themselves, and do a little mental wrestling if need be.

Filed in:

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Rick said...

great article there. i'm usually the default cynic - hope i'm not missing what you're saying with that starting stance. thanks for posting that.


Culture. Photos. Life's nagging questions. - BitterSweetLife