A Photo Interlude ~ BitterSweetLife

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

A Photo Interlude

Dawn came early yesterday, with auspicious brilliance. It was the morning of my first graduate-level exam, an omen of no small significance. Knowing this would be the crucial first road marker in many subsequent years of struggle, I carefully documented the fateful hours, aided by my trusty assistant. In the heat of the day's academic battle, would I become a flourishing sunflower or a scorched lawn?

That was the question echoing, echoing, in the corridors of my mind. But the day has passed. What took place? It is this indelible record of epic struggle and perseverance you now "hold" on your screens.

Stage 1

I know it will be a pivotal day.
Opening the Book for spiritual renewal
is all the more important. Important? No. Essential.

Stage 2

With mere minutes left before departure, I engage
in The Final Cram. Breakfast and notes are inhaled
simultaneously. Then it's off to the showdown...

Time Passes.
Photos of these decisive hours are, sadly, unavailable.

Stage 3

A triumphant re-entry!"It felt like an 'A.'"
My trusty blue coffee mug helped to add
equilibrium and security throughout the
exam experience. ;)

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Tim P. said...

cheers to you on exam euphoria. i'm also glad to see you enjoy Keane--I saw them in concert last year before I even knew who they were (they were so unknown their name didn't even get announced in promotions for the show which featured some other headliner).

AJ said...

Thanks. I don't often foist these sappy personal sagas upon the blogosphere, but I may as well enjoy life's small victories! Keane's star seems to be rising. I think they're actually playing in Lawrence tonight. Alas, I am TOO collegiate to go - studying. Go figure.

AJ said...

Hey, it's THAT Tim. I just hit up your profile. Nice to see you here. I go by InfiniteRegression from time to time. How's life?

Ninjanun said...

Congrats on getting through your exams. I don't know how you find time to do it all, PLUS write such thought-provoking pieces on your blog so often!! I'm doing good to put up a picture or write about some little mis-adventure happening in my life.
Oh, and I like the little personal stuff, BTW. Makes it easier to know where you're coming from. :)


Culture. Photos. Life's nagging questions. - BitterSweetLife