Naive Uncle Unleashes Chaos ~ BitterSweetLife

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Naive Uncle Unleashes Chaos

My brother Johnny and his wife, Stephanie, are expecting their first baby any day. Over the last couple years, though, Johnny and Stephanie have used our kids to get slowly acclimated to world of children, what is otherwise known as Unbridled Craziness. We always love it when Johnny visits, because he teaches Aidan and Asher safe, useful skills like How to Push a Young Baby in a Plastic Dump Truck and How to Ride a Bike When Your Feet Don't Reach the Pedals.

The boys love it when when Uncle Johnny comes over to play, and personally, I'm looking forward to the day when I'll get to hang with his new baby and help to instill skills like Cupboard Sabotage, Laundry Wrestling and Potty Diving...

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Steve said...

Your pictures are broken.

Steve said...

As for the kids, I speak from experience, and they are, ummm, full of energy.

AJ said...

Curse you, Blogger. Full of energy, heck yeah they are! :)


Culture. Photos. Life's nagging questions. - BitterSweetLife