Jesus Storybook Bible - Sally Lloyd-Jones (Book Review) ~ BitterSweetLife

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Jesus Storybook Bible - Sally Lloyd-Jones (Book Review)

Reviewed by Aidan

My dad said I had to write this review before I ate any more fruit snacks, so here is what I think of the Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones.

I like it. I like it a lot.

OK, I guess I have to say more than that, so here is why I like it.

Asher can't break it when he throws books off tables. This is a tough Bible.

The pictures have all the colors in them at the same time and they are funny and scary so I can look at them over and over.

The stories have lots of people and animals in them, but they always have Jesus in them too, because Jesus is the big story of the whole Bible.

That's why, out of the 23 Bible books I have, this one is my favorite. Go buy it for your kid, then you can read it too. (More screen shots here.)

Like my dad says, I highly wreck-and-bend the Jesus Storybook Bible and give it three stars, so don't miss it.

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Amanda said...

I LOVE this Bible. I have used a lot over the years that I've worked with the little ones, and I've found that this one does the best job of making stories understandable to young children without making every story a "feel good" story...AND it always points back to the cross!!! IT ROCKS!!


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