Emergent Goal-Setting Hijacked by Flowery Language ~ BitterSweetLife

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Emergent Goal-Setting Hijacked by Flowery Language

Update: Lark News just has it in for Emergent, right? Wrong! Corroborating evidence from The Thinklings. Heh heh. I value a number of things in the emerging church dialog, but the clarity definitely is not one of them.


Some of you are probably tired of the frequent "emerging church" posts around here, and I wouldn't entirely blame you. So I'll make this one very, very easy to skip. But check out this satirical piece from Lark News. Excerpt:

At a recent conference-like "gathering" of emergent church leaders, various factions sparred over competing visions for the future of the movement.

Leaders on one side called for "deepening and continuously beautiful efforts toward emotionally true self-divulgence and confession." Other leaders countered with a call for "a theological re-purposing of our objective and subjective missionality within a framework of God-love."

Because few in attendance actually understood what either side meant, both ideas were tabled...


HT: Cawleyblog.

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