What They Don't Tell You About Marriage ~ BitterSweetLife

Sunday, April 17, 2005

What They Don't Tell You About Marriage

I was carrying things inside from the car—a pastime that absorbs much of a husband’s life—when I noticed that Lindsay had left her purse there. Obviously, I would need to bring it in. So I grabbed my briefcase, a random plastic bowl, and Lindsay’s purse, and started toward our apartment building. I had taken about two steps when the extreme awkwardness of my situation struck me.

There is no right way for a guy to carry a woman’s purse. This is all the more true when he is by himself. Conveying it neatly by the two handles is clearly out of the question, and it’s hard to nonchalantly conceal a purse under your arm because then it looks like you’re stealing it. In the end, I grabbed the purse with a masculine disregard for its handles, while keeping it in the open to indicate fair play. I conveyed it quickly and self-consciously to our apartment, hefting it by its “neck”—if purses have “necks.” But you get the idea. Now I am writing this quick note so other unsuspecting men can avoid a very dangerous situation. Be wary, fellows. There’s really no way to come out a winner.

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Rodney Olsen said...

Glad to hear that I'm not the only one with handbag carrying issues.

AJ said...

Righto. It's important for us men to know that we're not alone on this one. Solidarity is important.

Holly said...

::giggles:: Cute and honest post! :)

Anonymous said...

this might be hard to believe but girls who perfer bagpacks over purse have same issues.they are completely clueless about how to carry a purse!you have definitely raised a very important issue for guys.

AJ said...

Thanks for the affirming note, aparna. ;) You've been flying under the radar lately, so its good to hear you weigh in again.

I've been thinking about this topic *deeply* in the days since I posted... can you believe that some girls actually try and con guy friends into carrying their purses? When I was younger, I would occasionally fall for trickery of this sort. But, like I said...that was when I was younger.

I am just now recovering from the emotionally-scarring effects of those experiences. ;)


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