Caterpillar Pride ~ BitterSweetLife

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Caterpillar Pride

Keeping the future in view, I guess.

Today I saw a caterpillar drop out of a tree onto an asphalt driveway. It was the sad little plop of his body hitting the pavement that got my attention. Ouch. Dreaming about butterflies again, little fellow?

He just lay there, stunned. Didn't move at all. After about a minute I felt compelled to help the poor guy. As soon as I touched him, he started writhing, kicking his miniscule legs in defiance of the rescue attempt. I tossed him onto the lawn against his will. Good grief. Where did the little jerk pick up his approach to an offer of help? Us humans?

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Culture. Photos. Life's nagging questions. - BitterSweetLife