Weekend Photo: Sky in Brick ~ BitterSweetLife

Friday, May 26, 2006

Weekend Photo: Sky in Brick

Urban Sky photo

It's not as if I never post photos around here. But recently, inspired by talents like Joe Thorn and Steve McCoy, I've hit upon yet another excuse to slam up photography: something along the lines of a "Friday photo." From here on out (assuming I can get to it in time - at this moment it's only "Friday" in the technical sense) you can look for a free-standing shot on Fridays (commentary optional).

This view is just out the back door from our downtown, Kansas City loft apartment. When we get cloudy days around here, I often find myself rushing outside to capture the strangely transcendent urban setting.

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Joe said...

I linked to ya (a day late). Nice shot man.

AJ said...

Thanks for the link! I posted this at a quarter till midnight on Friday, so it would have been tough to link it "on time."

John B. said...

Vaguely Magritte-ish, methinks. Very nice.

jason said...

I've always thought it would be cool to live in one of the lofts downtown. So you pic makes me a bit jealous.


Culture. Photos. Life's nagging questions. - BitterSweetLife