Resident Alien ~ BitterSweetLife

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Resident Alien

Lindsay drinks milk

I am not a huge milk fan at this point in my life, but occasionally I like a swig, especially after eating something sweet—like cheesecake. So it was that yesterday, as I walked past the kitchen counter, I swiped Lindsay’s glass of milk and absconded with it into the relative safety of the bedroom.

Despite my expertise in these things, Lindsay noticed me making my escape. She followed me to retrieve her cherished drink and made the following remark:

“I know what you’re doing! You’re taking my milk so I’ll come in here, like the kid does in E.T. with the Reese’s Pieces!”

“Honey—that analogy is perfect.”

Sometimes you get a set-up that is just unbelievable.

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littlepeace said...

Wait, I don't get it ...

Anonymous said...

The only thing worse than a tall frothy cup of milk is a heaping spoonful of mayonnaise. Or a bowl of hard-boiled eggs.

Milk is for baby cows, baby babies, and (maybe) babies' daddy. Not regular people. Milk is just awful.

AJ said...

I sense that the deeply humorous nature of this situation may not be fuly evident. In order to get this post:

1) Watch E.T.
2) Read the post title again.
3) Or take the easy way out and read this explanation: In the movie, the little boy lures E.T., the alien out into the open using Reeses' Pieces. There might be a parallel in the post above...


Andy said...

Upon finishing said glass of milk, you clearly quoted this from Song of Solomon 4: 7 (NIV)

7 All beautiful you are, my darling; there is no flaw in you.



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