Church Planters Should Pray More ~ BitterSweetLife

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Church Planters Should Pray More

Over at I wrote a post on prayer that some of you might like.

I'm still figuring out the working relationship between this blog and that blog (they like each other, which complicates the office environment), but I'll probably mention stuff over there from time to time. Excerpt:

I am trying to work prayer into my life more, similar to the way you work chalk into your palms to get a better grip on your climbing surface, or spray Stickum Grip Spray on your hands so that you can throw down a really sick dunk. Prayer has a great deal to do with our ability to navigate reality accurately and find traction–conversing with God has this calming, gracious, strengthening effect.

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Benjamin said...

Anything E.M. Bounds rings a bell here; intriguingly, his "The Weapon of Prayer" also discusses the apostle's realized need for prayer.

"The Word was pointless and powerless without they [the apostles] were freshly endued with power by continuous and mighty prayer. The seed of God’s Word must be saturated in prayer to make it germinate. It grows readier and roots deeper when it is prayer-soaked."

"The Apostles were praying men, themselves. They were teachers of prayer, and trained their disciples in the school of prayer. They urged prayer upon their disciples not only that they might attain to the loftiest eminence of faith, but that they might be the most powerful factors in advancing God’s kingdom."


(Few short quotes in his books...or maybe I'm simply struck by anything he says on prayer. ;)

AJ said...

That makes you want to set aside about four hours a day to go fall on your face. Or if it doesn't make you want to, it scares you into feeling compelled...

Thanks for the quote, Benjamin, E.M. Bounds is one of those dead guys who gets it. On prayer, I also really like O. Hallesby.

Benjamin said...

Aye, "scared into compulsion" sums it nicely. Thanks for the reference; I'll check Hallesby out.


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