Generous Orthodoxy - Brian McLaren, B- ~ BitterSweetLife

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Generous Orthodoxy - Brian McLaren, B-

A Flash Review: Ambiguously 'Generous'

A Generous Orthodoxy - Brian McLaren, B-

Self-proclaimed “provocative, mischievous and unclear” book succeeds on all counts. McLaren brings to the table a paradigm-breaking approach to the “Christian” institution, which he derides, while pursuing life as a follower of Christ. Positively, this approach is eye-opening, and attempts to rise above stupid infighting. Negatively, it is overly cynical and vital nuances of meaning are lost in “provocative” generalities. I.e., is McLaren a universalist? Does he believe in Hindu-Christians?

On a more general level, Does Brian McLaren have a spine? Though somewhat irritating, A Generous Orthodoxy still ought to be read, preferably after reading the original Orthodoxy (G.K. Chesterton), preferably while in a “generous” mood.

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