Fourth Jason Bourne Film Slated for 2011 ~ BitterSweetLife

Monday, April 13, 2009

Fourth Jason Bourne Film Slated for 2011

/film gives us an update on the consistently excellent Jason Bourne movie series:

Producer Frank Marshall updates us on the status via Twitter saying that Bourne Ultimatum/Ocean’s Twelve scribe George Nolfi “should have a draft by June” 2009 and that the film “is in the works for Summer 2011.” This of course would mean that the film would need to go into production by Summer 2010, October at very latest. “It really take long to get these scripts right! :),” admits Marshall. Marshall has previously stated that he would like to see Bourne go to South America in his next adventure, which will be the first movie not based on a Robert Ludlum novel.

The bar for action and intrigue was set so high in the first three movies that I'm almost surprised that Matt Damon and Paul Greengrass are taking aim at a fourth. Not to mention that with the advent of the amazing new Bond films, any additions in the Bourne series will also have to answer to the golden 007 standard. Still, when this one drops, I will be heading to the theater.

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Unknown said...

I hope they don't try to get extravagant. Trying to compete with the Bond movies isn't necessary. Bond is more of a cartoon, where he just happens to show up in the right place at the right time with a straight flush. The Bourne movies have the element of realism that makes them much more exciting--we see how Bourne figures things out, and he doesn't constantly pose for GQ. I'm thrilled they're doing another one.


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