Sam Storms: In Christ, In Kansas City ~ BitterSweetLife

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Sam Storms: In Christ, In Kansas City

I'm enjoying Sam Storms' thoughts about "in-Christness" in his book on Colossians, The Hope of Glory. Admittedly, his descriptions have an extra element of sweetness when he gives a nod to Kansas City, where he lives. (I wonder if he frequents the local coffee shops.)

And remember: it is in Kansas City or Chicago or Dallas or whatever geographical location you call home that you are in Christ. They are true simultaneously. You do not live in Christ only while you are at church, on your knees, or in a home group, then return to being simply in your city when you leave that more holy atmosphere. Your "in-Christness" is not simply a heavenly reality that obtains only somewhere up there. You are in Christ even when you are in sin, although the reality of the former ought to progressively diminish your experience of the latter! What an indescribably privilege and joy: to be a saint, in Christ, in Kansas City! - The Hope of Glory, 22

Well said, sir.
Person Sam Storms
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