We're Outta Here ~ BitterSweetLife

Sunday, January 07, 2007

We're Outta Here

Surprise, surprise. After I delivered my message at church this morning, I had a moment of divine revelation: it was time for a vacation. We'll be leaving for Louisiana, effective immediately, and returning on Friday.

Actually, there was a little more foresight involve in the trip - although not much. I probably won't be around the 'net too much down in the bayous (we're visiting my sister's fiancĂ©’s family) unless we're talking shrimp nets, but I do have some plans for this blog when I get back:

  • More thoughts on child-like faith (now that I have mastered the subject, having preached about it)
  • The Top Ten C.S. Lewis Quotes of All Time (It will be one of the hardest things I've ever done)
  • The Top Ten Books of 2006 (Yeah, I'm digging the top ten lists)
  • A review of Madeleine L'Engle's Walking on Water (Preview: I'm juiced to write)
  • A revamped approach to the link list that will get my friends more traffic (If you think that your blog is both worth a shot and conspicuously absent, let me know...)
  • And much, much more ;)

As always, feel free to speak up if there's some other topic you'd like to see appear here.

We're out.

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Anonymous said...

You're probably en route, but: whenever you get this, I wanted to share with you that when my daughters and I have occasion to pass through the Atchafalaya Basin on I-10, we like to roll the car windows down and yell "Ca-JONS!!!" into the swamps. Just our way of saying Howdy.

Be safe. And do some things for me, if you wouldn't mind: Eat some gumbo and jambalaya and etouffe and red beans and rice, and drink some chickory coffee. Listen to some zydeco.

Laissez les bon temps roulette!

Anonymous said...

Hope your trip is safe and restful. Oh, and maybe you might give my blog a "wink" (or link) when you return ;)

God bless.

Anonymous said...

You realize of course that we are expecting upon your return a post entitled simply, "Well, I'm back". This post must be highly detailed, and must chronicle your journey down into Mord... err Louisiana, through the Dead Marshes and involving encounters with real live Cajuns (only shapes to see, perhaps, not to touch). This post must also contain the phrase, the Eagles are coming (though not I believe, until the 13th).

Anyway, we hope you had a good time down there Samwi... err Ariel, but we're glad that you're coming back soon. Anyway, I did want you to know that I got the package you sent with the Grey Havens T-shirt, and Susan loves the gold earring (there was only one...?), but the lettering is beautiful (fire always tells) - whatever does it say?.

AJ said...

Be safe. And do some things for me, if you wouldn't mind: Eat some gumbo and jambalaya and etouffe and red beans and rice, and drink some chickory coffee. Listen to some zydeco.

Check, check, check, check, all but the zydeco...very solid advice.

Susan loves the gold earring (there was only one...?), but the lettering is beautiful (fire always tells) - whatever does it say?

I see that you have discovered the secret of the, er, earring: Immerse it in fiery hot sauce and the lettering becomes visible. The words are in a foreign tongue, one which must not be uttered aloud. This is mostly because any attempt to pronounce the dialect, which is Seminole, would result in lingual mangling. A loose translation, so far as I can tell, is "Have you kissed a cajun lately?"


Culture. Photos. Life's nagging questions. - BitterSweetLife